The future world of work & careers: dynamics, skills & partnerships
The BGS Certificate
A non-ATAR Pathway
At Brighton Grammar, we know that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to the higher educational needs of our students.
With so much recent change in the tertiary sector and job market, gone are the days of a linear approach to accreditation.
While a high ATAR followed by a degree qualification is the preferred pathway for some professions, students now have more flexible options they can pursue beyond school, such as: micro-credentialing, work placements, on-the-job-training and vocational pathways.
This is why we have created the BGS Certificate. For boys interested in pursuing a non-ATAR pathway, the BGS Certificate means they can achieve this, while still doing everything they love about being a Tonner.
What is the BGS Certificate?
The BGS Certificate is a combination of a VCE Certificate, but with the capacity for more flexibility and options beyond the classroom.
In Year 11, students complete four Unit 1/2 subjects, and are able to engage in other coursework offerings, such as: the AFL SportsReady Program, VET offerings, work placement, coaching, photography,
entrepreneurship, the Arts, community service and the Duke of Edinburgh award program.
In Year 12, the coursework includes four Unit 3/4 subjects in conjunction with the BGS Certificate Folio. Students participating will graduate with a VCE Certifcate, a BGS Certificate and any other
micro-credential or award undertaken across the two-year period.
Who is the ideal BGS Certificate candidate?
BGS Certificate candidates include students who are not ready or suited to an ATAR pathway, do not require an ATAR for their initial career and do not have a university degree as part of their planning directly after
completing the VCE. This may suit boys with interests in business, arts, construction (or trade), hospitality, events and AFL traineeships.
In the first two years of the program, numbers will be limited.
What about an ATAR?
An ATAR is a ranking tool that measures educational achievement at the end of secondary education and is important for direct entry into most university degree courses. The BGS certificate is a non-
ATAR pathway.
However, many tertiary institutions like RMIT, Swinburne, Federation University and Victoria University have both nationally accredited vocational education and diploma pathways that enable
alternate degree entrance.
Victoria is home to four of the six dual sector universities in Australia offering flexibility in combining vocational education and higher education.
So, if your son changes his mind and wishes to undertake a degree, he still can, but it will most likely take some additional time to complete.
Next steps
Your son can register his interest in the BGS certificate by contacting our Director of Curriculum and Assessment.
Our Careers Counsellor can also assist with providing guidance and career options for him.
The Future of Work Part 1
The future world of work & careers: dynamics, skills & partnerships
The Future of Work: Appendix A
The future world of work & careers: dynamics, skills & partnerships
The Future of Work Part 2
The future world of work & careers: dynamics, skills & partnerships
The Future of Work Part 3
The future world of work & careers: dynamics, skills & partnerships